Things I am working on:
- a paper on "Grappling with Economic Complexity: The Idea of "Ceteris Paribus" or "Toutes Choses d'ailleurs Égales" in the Thought of J.S. Mill and Frédéric Bastiat"
- An Anthology of the Writings of the Leveller John Lilburne.
- a reorganisation of my lecture series on the history of the classical liberal tradition, and some related guides and readings:
- a collection of 40 plus blog posts
- a thematic collection of articles From The Encyclopedia Of Libertarianism (2008)
- a collection of 27 key documents in the history of the evolution of our individual, political, and economic rights
The Gullaumin Collection of the Great Books about Liberty
New feature: the table of titles is now sortable by subject area (6)
The History of Economic Thought Collection
Over the past two years I have been building the Guillaumin Collection which now consists of 180 titles by 87 authors. They are what I call “near replicas” of the original classic texts which can be used for scholarly purposes, either by being read online or downloaded for personal use.
The texts are in their original language (English, French, German, and Latin), and are based upon either the first edition (such as Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776)) or the last edition published in the author's lifetime (such as Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (the 1st ed. appeared in 1759; the final revised edition appeared in 1790)). In addition, there is a facsimile PDF of the original text for those who wish to see an “actual replica” of the text.
The HTML version of the text has been "enhanced" to be more useful to scholars, with the original pages numbers clearly marked in the text, a unique paragraph ID number which allows the “citation tool” to grab the ID number and create a URL link to and a “citation” for that paragraph.
The HTML text has been formatted according to the style recommended by Edward Tufte to be more comfortably read online, with a width of 600 px, more spacing between the lines and the paragraphs, and the background colour off-white.
The collection is made up of texts in the following subject areas: political thought (83); economics (44); sociology (27); literature (10); law (8); and philosophy (7). The following 43 titles deal with economic theory and policy (37 titles in the original language plus 6 translations):
- Richard Cantillon, Essai sur la nature du commerce en général (1755).
- Turgot, Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses (1766).
- Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1st ed. 1776; Cannan ed. 1904).
- Condillac Le Commerce et le Gouvernement (1776).
- Jean-Baptiste Say, Traité d’Économie Politique (1st ed. 1803; 6th ed. 1841).
- James Mill, Commerce Defended (1808).
- Benjamin Constant, Commentaire sur l’ouvrage de Filangieri (1822).
- Antoine Destutt de Tracy, Traité d'économie Politique (1823).
- Charles Dunoyer, Nouveau traité d’économie sociale (1830).
- J.S. Mill, Essays On Some Unsettled Questions Of Political Economy 1844)
- Frédéric Bastiat, Cobden et la ligue (1845).
- Frédéric Bastiat, Sophismes économiques (1846).
- Frédéric Bastiat, Sophismes économiques (1848).
- Adolphe Thiers, De la Propriété (1848). And an English trans.
- Gustave de Molinari, Les Soirées de la rue Saint-Lazare (1849).
- Frédéric Bastiat, L’État. Maudit Argent (1849.)
- Frédéric Bastiat, Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas (1850).
- Frédéric Bastiat, Harmonies économiques (1851).
- Gustave de Molinari, Cours d’économie politique (1863).
- Frédéric Bastiat, Œuvres Complètes (1862-64).
- William Edward Hearn, Plutology (1863).
- Richard Cobden, Speeches on Questions of Public Policy (3rd ed. 1908).
- John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy (7th ed. 1871).
- Carl Menger, Grundsätze der Volkswirthschaftslehre (1871).
- Carl Menger, Untersuchungen über die Methode der Socialwissenschaften (1883).
- Henry George, Protection or Free Trade (1886).
- Gustave de Molinari, Les Lois naturelles de l'économie politique (1887).
- Eugen Richter, Sozialdemokratische Zukunftsbilde (1st ed. 1893).
- Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Zum Abschluss des Marxschen Systems (1896).
- Gustave de Molinari, Esquisse de l'organisation politique et économique de la société future (1899).
- Ludwig Von Mises, Die Entwicklung des Gutsherrlich-Bäuerlichen Verhältnisses in Galizien (1772-1848) (1902).
- Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, Collectivism (1908).
- Philip H. Wicksteed, The Common Sense of Political Economy (1910)
- Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, L’État moderne et ses fonctions (4th ed. 1911)
- Ludwig Mises, Nation, Staat und Wirtschaft (1919).
- Friedrich von Wieser, Das Gesetz der Macht (1926).
- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalismus (1927).
- Ludwig Mises, Die Gemeinwirtschaft (2nd ed. 1932).
- Ludwig von Mises, Nationalökonomie: Theorie des Handlens und Wirtschaftens (1940).
Additions to the Library:
- updated: an optimistic view of the possibilities for human progress if people were free do so, written by by Condorcet (1743-1794) while in prison awaiting execution: Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind (1796) in facs. PDF and enhanced HTML; eBook HTML, PDF, and ePub. See also the French original in enhanced HTML.
- new: a stand-alone version of a great defense of so-called "victimless crimes" by the American individualist anarchist and abolitionist Lysander Spooner (1808-1887): "Vices are Not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty" (1875) in facs. PDF and enhanced HTML; eBook HTML, PDF, ePub
- updated: an early reply to Edmund Burke's attack on the French Revolution and all it stood for by the radical liberal Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797): A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) in facs. PDF and enhanced HTML; eBook HTML, PDF, and ePub
- updated: John Stuart Mill, "The Spirit of the Age", The Examiner (9 Jan. - 29 May, 1831) in facs. PDF (via HTML page) and enhanced HTML; eBook HTML, PDF, ePub
- a collection of medieval documents which includes the city of Magdeburg Charter and other important political documents: Oliver J. Thatcher and Edgar H. McNeal, eds., A Source Book for Mediæval History. Selected Documents Illustrating the History of Europe in the Middle Age (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907) in facs. PDF and enhanced HTML
- "On Limiting the Power of the State: A Collection of Petitions, Charters, Decrees, and Declarations of Rights and Liberties (1215-1848)": This is a collection of 27 key documents in the history of the evolution of our individual, political, and economic rights. It is modelled on, although much larger than, the French Civil Code and the Cato Institute's The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States (The Pocket Constitution), the idea of which was to enable every citizen to carry in their pocket (now a smart phone) a summary of the rights which they enjoyed under the law. When challenged by an overly officious government employee, the citizen could pull out the pocket book of rights and recite the constitutional chapter and verse to defend their rights. This collection takes a longer term view than the above mentioned pocket guides, stretching back to the English Magna Carta (1215), and a more international perspective, in which our modern understanding of rights encompasses the historical experience of England, the American colonies and early republic, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France during and immediately after its revolution, and goes up to the 1848 revolutions in Paris and the German states. It also has the original language version of the documents and an English translation where available. The collection of documents includes:
- Magna Carta (1215)
- The City Charter of Magdeburg (1261)
- The Swiss Federal Charta (1291)
- The Dutch Declaration of Independence (1581)
- The Petition of Right (1628)
- The Massachusetts Body of Liberties (1641)
- An Agreement of the Free People of England (1649)
- The Habeas Corpus Act (1679)
- The English Bill of Rights (1689)
- The Declaration of Independence (1776)
- The Virginia Bill of Rights (1776)
- A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of Massachusetts (1780)
- An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery (1780) - Pennsylvania
- The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789)
- The Decrees of August 1789 (abolishing feudalism)
- The U.S. Bill of Rights (1791)
- The Declaration of Rights in the proposed Girondin constitution (1793)
- Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Batavian Republic, 1795)
- Declaration of Sovereignty of the German People Between the Meuse, Rhine, and Mosel (1797)
- The Prussian Reform Edict (1807)
- The Constitution of Belgium (1831)
- Declaration of the anti-slavery convention assembled in Philadelphia (1833)
- Declaration of Principles of the Free Trade Association (1846)
- Motion in the German Pre-Parliament (1848)
- The Seneca Falls Declaration (1848)
- La Confédération suisse. Constitution fédérale de 1848 (1848)
- The Constitution of the Second Republic (1848)
- an important work by the English abolitionist Thomas Clarkson (1760-1846): The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade by the British Parliament (1808) in 2 vols. - facs. PDF [vol1 and vol2]; enhanced HTML [vol1 and vol2 and 2vols-in-1]; eBook HTML [vol1 and vol2 and 2-vols-in-1], PDF [vol1 and vol2 and 2-vols-in-1], ePub [vol1 and vol2 and 2-vols-in-1]
- some of the illustrations in the book were an important part of the anti-slavery campaign, such as the plan of the slave ship the Brookes, a collection of manacles used to restrain slaves, and a very interesting "map" of the abolitionist movment in the form of a system of rivers which shows the different intellectual "tributaries" of thought which contribued to it. You need the very large versu=ion to read the names [3488x2505 px]